Position Name Email
President Chris Olson president@qhlac.org
Vice President Luke Oxley vicepresident@qhlac.org
Secretary Nyree Parkin secretary@qhlac.org
Treasurer Steve Butcher treasurer@qhlac.org
Registrar Louise Lee registrar@qhlac.org
Officer for Canteen/Catering Caryn Olson info@qhlac.org
Officer for Championships Luke Oxley championships@qhlac.org
Officer for Age Managers & Officials Dave Beacroft agemanagers@qhlac.org
Officer for Coaching and Education Dave Beacroft info@qhlac.org
Officer for Equipment Heath Parkin info@qhlac.org
Officer for Grounds Lorenzo Bergamin info@qhlac.org
Officer for Social Media Maureen Ingram info@qhlac.org
Officer for Records & Rankings Liz Oxley results@qhlac.org
Officer for Fundraising & Sponsors Glen Strike sponsorships@qhlac.org
Officer for Uniforms Janita Latta info@qhlac.org
Officer for First Aid Heath Parkin info@qhlac.org
Public Officer Steve Butcher info@qhlac.org
Officer for Working with Children Nyree Parkin wwc@qhlac.org
Officer for Technology Dan O’Shea info@qhlac.org
General Committee Matt Blyth info@qhlac.org
General Committee Sarah Read info@qhlac.org
General Committee Craig O’Donohue  info@qhlac.org